If you are shy then read this!

Jiya Aggarwal
3 min readMar 26, 2023


If you are shy person like me, I know what problems you must be facing, I feel you buddy!

When you are a shy person people really misinterpret your shyness with rudeness.

But is that true?

I know the answer is no.

We are just over thinking about what we should say. And I also know that shyness can really hold people back because they tend to avoid public situations.

If we were to tell what shyness is, it is tendency to feel awkward, worried or tensed during social encounters especially with unfamiliar people.

Shyness can be due to genetics but life experiences can also lead to someone feeing shy. But it is not that shyness cannot be overcome. It just needs a little bit of time, practice and effort and a desire to really breakthrough the glass.

So here I have shared some ways through which you can overcome your shyness and can have really have fun socializing and so that you can be yourself around other people.

1) Stop self-sabotage -shy people often tend to self-sabotage themselves which leads them to hinder their own success. So most importantly to overcome shyness you have to stop self-sabotaging ourselves. Talk positively to yourself and be mindful about what you tell yourself and what you let in.

2)Explore your strengths and boost your confidence- Most of the times we are too shy in front of others because we are not truly aware of our strengths and we see others as more intelligent and more skilled than ourselves. So, you should not forget your strengths and if you have not discovered your strength. go buddy explore and find out what you are good at. Universe is with you.

3)Do not think they are judging you- We often time think that whenever we are going to speak to somebody, they will judge us. But reality is, most of the time, people are lost in their own thoughts. They are thinking about their own spotlight.

4) Know that Avoidance is not the answer- We as a shy person tend to avoid social situations as much as possible. But that is not going to work. The more you will expose yourself to social situations more confidence you will gain and believe me you will be surprised after some time that you really enjoy it.

Lastly I would just like to say, you shouldn’t think that you are not good enough if you are a shy person. Believe that Shyness can be overcome if you are determined enough and work upon yourself daily.

So, start working towards your growth and build connections today.

Slowly and steadily, you will overcome it.

And, do not you forget even small effort counts.

Thank you for taking out time for reading and if you liked it do appreciate me by clapping below and following me that will really boost my confidence to write more.

I hope you have a lovely day.



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