Lessons you can learn from dead poets’ society

Jiya Aggarwal
3 min readMar 25, 2023


Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today.

Tomorrow will be dying.

Dead poets society, my forever and ever favourite movie. It is a movie which I can rewatch anytime. And if you have not seen it, you should watch. it is surely an experience you will not regret. Every time I see that movie, I learn something new. If one likes literature and is a dark academia fan will like it. It is movie which motivates you see out of the box and get best out of your life and achieve your dreams.

Here I will not be giving you any spoilers but telling you important lessons that this movie gives.

Here are 6 inspirational lessons that dead poets society teaches :

1.Carpe diem

Word which you may have heard somewhere is the biggest teaching taught in this movie. It means to seize the day, to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future. It makes you ponder over your present situation and try to make your life extraordinary by making most out of the present situation.

2.To not worry about being perfect and just begin

This is one of the most important lessons which I learnt and which really helped me in to start writing also is to not worry about whether you are perfect at something or not but you just start doing it and then you will improve on the way. The most difficult step is the first step and rest of the journey becomes easy.one should not limit their imagination and should think openly and do it even if it is gibberish.

3. To not be lazy

One that really striked me was that a man is not very tired but exhausted.in today’s world we crave for instant gratification and we tend lose focus and tend to become lazy if the result seems farther away. We must take up challenges and not to lurk in our comfort zone and face challenges.

4.Donot do what the herd is doing. Think for yourself

We often forget that we all are unique in our own ways and we just believe what the whole world is saying. Mr Keating tells in the movie that we must learn through experience. we must not conform to norms just because they are popular one should use his own rationality and push to unknown undiscovered boundaries to know what is right for oneself and what is not.we should use our own creativity.

5.Try new perspectives

The most important lesson that Mr Keating teaches is to see a thing from different perspectives. In one scene Mr Keats climbs on a desk so he can look at the classroom from another point of view. This is called perspective shifting. This practice helps in creative thinking and makes one more open minded.

6.Life is too short to not act upon your dreams

4 lines that I mentioned in the starting is related to this point. You can achieve your dreams when you have time, it is your youth when we can achieve anything and when we have the most energy to work towards our dreams. We just need a little leap of hope in ourselves and in our dreams.it is us who have to decide what to write on the pages of the life because end is already decided.

So, these were some of the lessons which I gathered from the iconic movie dead poets society. Lemme me know what lessons you leant from the movie and what are your views on the movie.

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Thank you for reading!!

Hope you have a great day😊

#lifelessons #deadpoetssociety #learn #perspective



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